Bethesda creation kit erroe fallout 4
Bethesda creation kit erroe fallout 4

bethesda creation kit erroe fallout 4 bethesda creation kit erroe fallout 4

And also the mods they are offering are not all that impressive). Now, how they implemented it I do think is bad (like forcing you to install all the mods even if you don't buy/use them. It's not even like they are banning free mods. I for one say this is the lesser of two evils. Because they'll start aiming the game at being unfun enough to encourage you to buy microtransactions to fix the imbalance). All the sudden we see them start putting some sort of multiplayer aspect in their games (which I know some people want but it will change the gameplay us single player gamers like) and adding in microtransactions (which are far worse than making you pay for mods. what do you bet they just go ahead and jump on the bandwagon every other publisher is on. I mean a company sees another company in the same field make a lot more money they are going to want to do the same cause they see the potential is there).īut, they know their players prefer single player games and they are trying to make a way of monetizing that still allows for that single player experience (without microtransactions even). You can't expect that they're just going to be happy with what money they make on single player games while other big publishers are making mad money off of microtransactions (sorry, while it may be ideal for us as consumers, that's not realistic to expect they'd stay happy with that. The fact they experimented with Fallout Shelter shows such, and the fact that they are doing this. The problem with hoping it fails is that Bethesda is obviously wanting to make the kind of money they see other publishers are making with multiplayer and microtransactions.

Bethesda creation kit erroe fallout 4